Today's outfit is already very wintry as it's been so cold in London lately. Gosh, if we are already heading this way, imagine how the winter will be like? Very scary.
Anyways, I am wearing quite a few layers, in case the weather changes. I also dug out my over the knee boots as they are flat and perfect to protect me from the cold when I'm wearing fine, flimsy leggings like these.
I fell totally cosy with a coat thrown on top of everything, but I must admit I actually got a bit warm on my way home as in the temperature in the evening wasn't half as cold, compared to the morning.

I am loving this big turquoise ring, on my left hand, I bought it a couple of months ago at H&M and hadn't worn it before. Now I am so in love with it, that I have been wearing it for days in a row.

I was wearing: Coat: Zara, Jacket : Vivienne Westwood, Top: Religion, Leggings: Ebay, Shoes:Second hand from Boots, Boots, Boots, Scarf: Second hand.
See you soon.
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