Monday, February 28, 2011

13 Going on 30

To be honest, I know that 13 Going On 30 isn’t necessarily a fashion-driven film with memorable pieces and outstanding looks, but I always seem to notice it myself when I watch it. Jennifer Garner always seems to look so careless, pretty and put together, even when she’s in a sloppy, laid-back scene.
The beginning of the movie is created around the 80’s styled clothes. They’re so youthful and cute and are definitely reminiscent of the stereotypical 80’s teenage girl. It’s hard to overlook that aspect. But over the course of time as Jenna Rink (Garner’s character) is growing up, she begins to put herself together in a mature, yet young way. Her makeup is simple and her hair is less than outgoing, but it’s professional and basic. (Yes, everything seems basic in this blog post!) Somehow there’s the middle ground and it's just enough to go with the rest of her style.
She has more of the realistic everyday look that women can strive for and ultimately have on a normal basis. The clothes and basics that Jennifer Garner wears in character are so easy to pull off. She’s simple, eye-catching, fun, and business-like. She wears versatile pieces- some modern and funky, and some classic and modest.
To reiterate, I realize that there are other actors and actresses that dress much more trendy and unique, but I thought it was note-worthy to mention how even the simplest of pieces and basic styles can continue to be fashionable. Other than the fact that it’s one of my favorite movies, I love how they mesh her character together with her physical appearance. Her style is so believable. Dress how you feel comfortable. Dress for your job, your school, whatever it is you do. Dress how you want to dress. 
You’re Beautiful!
Ashley Rae


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