Wishing all of you a fabulous 2010.
Hello everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your holidays. I had a good break and now I am full of energy with recharged batteries and ready for 2010.
Usually, I don't do new year's resolutions, but this year I decided to do a list for a change. I am full of ideas and hopes, I really got a good feeling about this year!
One of the things I had promised myself is to take it easy, and not to have a look at the sales. I couldn't not help it and ended up having a look at some websites.(Who needs to go out these days to check on the sales?)
The next day, somehow I was at Topshop to have a look in a couple of items I saw in the website, none of them were on sale, a shame but it was fine.
One, was a cardigan I saw it back in September and desperately tried to buy but unfortunately it was sold out, the other, was a jersey blazer Balmain type of thing, really cute and pricey too at £65.
I bought the cardigan, which I really wanted and decided to have a look around for a Balmain-ish jacket, I knew Zara had a really cool one, and I managed to find it on sale for £30.

I also got a new Vivienne Westwood necklace and a pure cashmere jumper of ebay.

Blazer from Zara on sale, lovely.

Cardigan from Topshop, this picture is not doing much justice, it has lovely gold beads on it.

A cool sequined beanie hat, I got as a Xmas present, so gorgeous!
I loved so much I decided to get a blue version of it too.

Love this book, got it for Xmas too! From my beloved. x
I feel inspired! No more spending, I am ready for some DIY.
See you soon.
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