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Hello everyone,
Tonight just a quick post, a follow up to an inspirational picture I posted of MK Olsen a few days ago.
I used to love those vintage diamond necklaces and therefore I have a cute little collection going on. They are girly and gorgeous and I bought a handful of them when I was in my glam era, when it was all about sparkles. From there, I started wearing more silver jewellery and rock and roll pieces and went off the glam and girly jewellery for a while. Well, that was until I saw that picture of MK which is a perfect combination of everything I mentioned above. My jewellery box got itself all dusted off and now we are having a complete revival. The rule is to wear everything, preferably at the same time!
So here it goes, my necklace cocktail: the top necklace I bought ages ago in Brazil, the metal one (looks like a dog collar)I found at Oxfam, again ages ago, for £2 and the bottom one was a recent buy from ebay, it's very cool and it totally makes the look. It was a utter bargain, just £1!

(a very improvised Tom Binns inspiration!)
Unfortunately, my necklaces are not long enough to wear with that rock and roll t-shirt, so I decided that a low scooped neck t-shirt would be more suitable for this look. I kept it plain and chic teaming up with a white t-shirt and a black blazer. Just letting my 'bling' speak for itself.
PS: I intend to work on a long version heavy metal diamond DIY necklace... just need the right tools.
See you soon.
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