Here I am looking much perkier this week, thank you so much guys, all of you that wished me to be well soon. x

Today's outfit there is a history to tell...
About 3 months ago I saw this bowler hat at my friend's stall at Portobello. I wanted to buy but just wasn't very sure of how much I would wear it.
When I first spotted, it had just arrived on his stall and because it's a lovely vintage, great quality one, he certainly wanted a little more than I wished to spend. I left it behind and it had been there ever since, week by week, I was still passing by and checking out on it, in a silly hope, trying to decide what to do.
A couple of months had passed by when one of my girlfriends from work had bumped into me, in the market on my lunch hour, she asked me if I knew where she could find a bowler hat? I said yes, and took her to my friend's stall (and because the hat had been there for a while he decided to give me a discount!) and sold me for £25.
Oh, no... I was kicking myself in the sheen :). I wish I was buying it for myself... it was too late, I had no option but give it to my girlfriend despite the fact that it was a tad small for her head and perfect for mine.
(Yes, I have small head, don't you laugh!)
The only problem was... I had really fallen in love for it, and straight after we bought it, I took a picture of Lucie, for my Fridays@ Portobello, she was also wearing one and straight way I had that feeling again of kicking myself in the sheen and smile!
The following week, I either must have had an extremely high wishful thinking or a lot of luck... later in a visit to my local charity shop, there it was, as soon as I got in , a beautiful bowler hat.
- I asked. May I try?
Slightly big for me, it was perfect! I knew it would be the perfect swap for my girlfriend. Also priced at £25 from Christie's, finest hat makers, I took the chance and got it.
And just like that, the multiplication of the bowler hats! I managed to buy 2 amazing ones in a period of 1 week.
It was the perfect swap, the other hat fitted my girlfriend perfectly and it made 2 people very happy indeed.
Here is my take on it.

Because this is such a masculine look I had to break it up by wearing a bra over my T-shirt, to add a touch of femininity ;)

Hat and Top: Portobello Market, Leggings: Ebay, Bra: worn over top Vivienne Westwood, Jacket: Lux, Shoes: Phrase Eight, Bag: Coccinelle.
What do you think of this look?
Tomorrow, I will post some pictures from Saturdays at Portobello.
See you soon.
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