Hi guys,
A very hot hello tonight, since the weather has been SO hot lately. I am not complaining but I am suffering loads trying to cover myself up and staying away from the sun.
Anyways, tonight I am posting my second review for
Very.co.uk I have 2 great
accessories which I have chosen and I am really, really delighted about them.
My first item is this fantastic skull
scarf! Which I am terribly in love with. You guys know how much I love my skull scarves (I have a small collection developing, oops.) Anyhow, when I saw this one on the website , I knew it was going to be a great and wicked addition.
I also love my skulls to be different and original, I haven't seen any similar skulls to those before. The skull scarf is an ultra trendy and cool accessory which can be worn all seasons. It will surely be worn to death by me as I am a huge fan of the trend.
The scarf has also some cute details on it, like the tassels on the ends. Another thing I have noticed is that on the right side of the fabric (the correct side), the print is white with black skulls, but on the wrong side of the fabric the skulls look slightly navy blue,
I must be mad to have noticed that but it's a detail which I found very pretty and I really loved it!
Nice size too, it's long and it can be worn around the neck, it's great because it's not too large so it hangs out pretty nicely too, not bulky.

My second item is this cute studded
belt. I am still grieving the loss of one of my favourite belts... Therefore, I thought this one was a perfect choice to cheer me up..
This skinny belt is great for any rock chick outfit, I love the small studded details on, which goes really well with my new wedges from the Love label too. Also ideal to wear with any jeans with small belt loops, which are so common in skinny jeans in particular.
If I am wearing a long skinny belt, like this one, which goes twice around jeans, for example, I like it to look modern yet practical whilst having the belt still doing it's job.
I don't feed all the belt thought the loops, I just feed the belt through the loops once and let the second loop hanging around my waist to create a slouchy chic look. Are you with me?
Accessories are always a must! The more the merrier... in fact if they did have the scarf in different colours, I would be getting every single one of them!
Wearing today: T-shirt: Pretty Portobello Shop, Scarf, Belt & Shoes: Very.co.uk.
N.B. Very.co.uk sent me the scarf and the belt free of charge, I accepted the gifts on the understanding that if I could, if I so chose, write a unbiased review which is my own, unedited, opinion.
See you soon.