I wanted to post about my make up it's been ages! My make up drawer was in need of some tiding up and today was the perfect day to take everything out of it and take some pictures. Now it's the time to have a sneaky peak on my make up essentials !
(It's been a little bit of a mess, so excuse me for the make up marks on the products.)
I am very much an eyeshadow girl as you guys will see and in this drawer I store MOST of my eyeshadows not of all of them... I still have loads of palettes hidden here and there... I could not find everything really, but these are certainly the ones I use the most.
My favourite eyeshadow brands are: Bourjois, Mac, YSL, Lancome, anything with loads of pigment on.
I am really hooked on 'dusters' or pigmented eyeshadow. I can really work with them to change any other colour, after I came across the dusted eyeshadow my life changed.
(Click on the picture to see the whole lot of eyeshadows!)

I have a huge collection of blue and green eyeshadows! They are most definitely my favourite colours... everything from eyeliners, pencils to mascara, my favourite mascara is navy blue, when I can find it, I'll stock loads on it again.

Some purple and pinks, I love them too.

And some natural colours can also be found! I love metallic such as gold and silver and some days I tone down with browns and bronzes. Yes, I do.

Below some face products... I do wear foundation everyday, so I like a really light one, sometimes I use a little highlighter too on my cheeks, just to brighten up a little. Also pictured 2 of my favourite blushers, a load of mascaras which I never remembered having that many (just found another 2 in some other drawer later!).
Some liquid eyeliners, day to day version by Maybelline, a star quality by Lancome (changing cartridges) and colourful ones by YSL, which are precise and easy to apply, honestly the best of the bunch!

I also was re-encountered with loads of lip glosses, which I haven't worn in ages as well as some lipsticks... I wanted a dark red lipstick and I just came across one! I honestly could not remember getting that, what a great surprise. I don't seem to have a great memory with my make up as I do with my clothes!
Eye pencils and lip pencils are on the other side, I do have some repeated colours, as you guys can see. Just paranoid in case I could not find those colours again I bought 2 at the same time! I do that all the time, btw.

Part 1 of the make up drawer mission is done! If you are interested in any shades or have any questions, just drop me a message.
Are you mad about make up too? C'mon time to confess your sins!
See you soon.
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