Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On my mind this week....

Nicole, Jessica, Avril...We all know that pretty much every celebrity has a clothing line out there right now. It almost seems that if you don't have a clothing line, you're not a bona fide celeb. There's nothing wrong with that except for one little detail, THEY DON'T DESIGN ANYTHING! All the celebrities do is look at the designs say, "Oh I don't like that one detail. Change it." Then the designer changes it, produces it and puts the celeb's name on it.

I was always skeptical about celeb lines. At FIDM's open house in November, they let us in on the secret when we met a girl who designs a lot of these lines. I don't know why this irritates me so much! Maybe because there are so many incredible designers who are able to whip up beautiful, wearable works of art with their own two hands. I don't think celeb "designers" deserve to be in that category.



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