If you haven't heard about the 'Pop Store' at Whiteleys, you are missing out!
Pop store is a new boutique concept, full of charm and great designers. Appearing in different locations, causing a storm and disappearing just as quickly. Come and gone in a flash, that is the idea!
Well, I am taking full advantage, since they have opened a few shops at the first floor of Whiteleys shopping centre. There will be a few more stores coming up soon, I can't wait!
Cool brands such as Disney Couture, Tom Binns, Wildfox and FrostFrench, to name a few are all up for grabs! You'll find them all, spread in cool, different shops.

Here some pictures from 'The Bower of Bliss'. This shops sells the most adorable and coveted jewellery!
Ohhh God! I did spend ages in there... I simply could buy pretty much EVERYTHING! I had my eye on the deer's head ring, I finally got it (pictures to come) and I also ended up getting some Disney couture jewellery as well. Now I am well and truly hooked!
I already got SO MANY compliments on both pieces... I am totally loving it.

Cool and gorgeous porcelain utensils on sale too.

Hand made ceiling with Japanese inspiration.

A little bit of Disney Couture! Love-need-want everything...

Here I am trying on the famous 'Tom Binns' for Alice in the wonderland necklace!
It's truly gorgeous, a statement piece indeed! It's also quite heavy but just amazing!
(Costing around £700+ this baby, is in a closed cabinet, well protected. So thanks so much guys for letting me try it on!)

Here some snapshots from the 'Pop Store'.

The Wildfox, love potion 9 is a MUST HAVE T! Don't you agree?

...la la la, some more lovely stuff.

I think this a pretty cool shop, so therefore I am sharing it with you guys! Look at me, don't I look like a happy shopper?
Check on their website: www.popstore.shop.venda.com
See you soon.
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