This post leads me to talk about bargains and how I love them.
I have never been ashamed to buy clothes at the cheapest places I can find... It doesn't matter if is something from a charity shop or from a cheap car boots sale.
In fact, I tend to celebrate these finds even more... not only for the price but also because some of those items are one of a kind.
This whole outfit did not cost me more than £42!
I could not believe when I found these boots in a cool brown/yellow distressed leather with 2 cool buckles and... they are sheepskin fur on inside!!!! They cost me £30!!!
The sequined top was £8. The jeans (Topshop) and cardigan (H&M) were £2 each.
Don't you just love a good bargain?

Boots: Second hand from Absolute Vintage, Cardigan and jeans: From a friend's clothes sale party, Top: From my local charity shop.
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