This is my last post before Xmas, I will be off to the country and will be back soon after boxing day.
When back in town, I shall be ready to hit the sales! Oh... the sales... Always a time of celebration! When most of the stuff you dream of is half price. Or sometimes even the stuff you didn't know you wanted is there with a shine big 1/2 price sign on it and straightway it becomes kind of somehow needed. I'm sure you know that feeling.
So, normally at this time of the year I would have already browsed thru the previous months around the shops, for anything interesting, for sizes, for colours and ect...
It might be a mission sometimes to brave the shops at Xmas time and at normal times, depending of the shop, anything like Topshop or Primark is always a mission - Isn't it? - and also at the sales but honestly it just makes it so much easier if you do go before hand and prepare yourself with a list... you may not have time to try things on or, the queues for the changing rooms can be far too long, anything can happen. So, being prepared just avoids all the hassle.
Unfortunately, this year I don't intend to spend money -HA! or much if I must- on the sales. I have already been very naughty with some other buys before hand not leaving me with much cash to spend now ...
A place where I normally would enjoy the deductions is at Selfridges. Good choice, variety, all under one roof. Urban Outfitters is always very good for all sorts of funky bits and bobs, I love all their Religion and Lux stuff and as a whole I find their stock very rock chic, cool. I like Gap for the basics. Some boutiques around Notting Hill/ Portobello area are also on sale with unique finds.
Ahhhh! Must mention any SHOE shop on sale will be part of my list...
Well, let' s see on this one... I have to face the facts that I have no room, or running out of room -as I say- for more shoes still, I would love to have a pair of suede flat boots over the knee (panto style). Topshop has a really nice one I shall keep my eyes on it.

Shoes are always a MAJOR danger when it comes to the sales time... 2 pairs for the price one if we were to pay full retail prices in most of the cases!!! How can you resist?!?!?!?!? Often, I just remember the Girls Aloud song..."The promise I made started to fade babe..."
I'll try to resist but it so hard!
Note: Whilst searching pictures for this post I came across the most cute ankle boots which I had my eye on for a while... Oh God... What is a girl supposed to do?
Promise I made, promise I made started to fade ...
I'll avoid Westfield at all costs as I'm sure it will be a nightmare !
I hope you have a wonderful Xmas!
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