Tuesday, December 30, 2008
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Glove Love

I have always been into gloves. Since childhood, I have always had freezing cold hands and feet. This "problem" is known for anyone who has a poor blood circulation... getting more to the point... Back home, whenever I shook hands with someone I knew 9 times out of 10 a comment would be made about the coldness of my hands!!!
I loved when I first moved to London, it was around September, getting a little chill and my hands were frozen, sooner than never I heard the saying " Cold hands, warm heart". I liked it, I was extremely surprised to hear a positive comment about my hands. Yes, they were cold but so what. I finally felt understood by people. Smiles.
Nevertheless, when winter comes, oh goodness, it feels like my poor little fingers are about to suffer from frostbite(!!!)LOL
So gloves are essential and they must be fabulous too! I shall never be seen wearing anything but leather, all types, but I am not so keen on suede as it does not last very long (my opinion) the weather can be very harsh on them.
A girlfriend of mine has the most beautiful pairs I have seen!!!! I almost had a heart attack when I saw her with an amazing fingerless pair, in python and leather, sooooo chick rock...

Ohhh to die for...
They are from Nina Peter .
Please take a look on her website,www.ninapeter.com , as you can also buy online if you feel like splurging this New Year.
They are also available at Harvey Nichols!
So hurry...In my opinion they are definitely a must have... I would better start saving up as from now!

Monday, December 22, 2008
Thinking ahead

This is my last post before Xmas, I will be off to the country and will be back soon after boxing day.
When back in town, I shall be ready to hit the sales! Oh... the sales... Always a time of celebration! When most of the stuff you dream of is half price. Or sometimes even the stuff you didn't know you wanted is there with a shine big 1/2 price sign on it and straightway it becomes kind of somehow needed. I'm sure you know that feeling.
So, normally at this time of the year I would have already browsed thru the previous months around the shops, for anything interesting, for sizes, for colours and ect...
It might be a mission sometimes to brave the shops at Xmas time and at normal times, depending of the shop, anything like Topshop or Primark is always a mission - Isn't it? - and also at the sales but honestly it just makes it so much easier if you do go before hand and prepare yourself with a list... you may not have time to try things on or, the queues for the changing rooms can be far too long, anything can happen. So, being prepared just avoids all the hassle.
Unfortunately, this year I don't intend to spend money -HA! or much if I must- on the sales. I have already been very naughty with some other buys before hand not leaving me with much cash to spend now ...
A place where I normally would enjoy the deductions is at Selfridges. Good choice, variety, all under one roof. Urban Outfitters is always very good for all sorts of funky bits and bobs, I love all their Religion and Lux stuff and as a whole I find their stock very rock chic, cool. I like Gap for the basics. Some boutiques around Notting Hill/ Portobello area are also on sale with unique finds.
Ahhhh! Must mention any SHOE shop on sale will be part of my list...
Well, let' s see on this one... I have to face the facts that I have no room, or running out of room -as I say- for more shoes still, I would love to have a pair of suede flat boots over the knee (panto style). Topshop has a really nice one I shall keep my eyes on it.

Shoes are always a MAJOR danger when it comes to the sales time... 2 pairs for the price one if we were to pay full retail prices in most of the cases!!! How can you resist?!?!?!?!? Often, I just remember the Girls Aloud song..."The promise I made started to fade babe..."
I'll try to resist but it so hard!
Note: Whilst searching pictures for this post I came across the most cute ankle boots which I had my eye on for a while... Oh God... What is a girl supposed to do?
Promise I made, promise I made started to fade ...
I'll avoid Westfield at all costs as I'm sure it will be a nightmare !
I hope you have a wonderful Xmas!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
And we are still talking about X mas...
Are we getting those fabulous things we are all posting in our wish list or is it gonna be more like that advert where everyone goes to the garage store at 12:00 AM Xmas Eve to buy whatever is left?
I supposed I have been an extra good girl this year (not) as I already got my prezzie really early.
I saw a picture of this amazing coat on a magazine, shortly after I had a clear out and ended up throwing the magazine away (so not like me). It wasn't until a few days later when I saw a girl wearing it I suddenly remembered it and all I could think all night was I WANT ONE!
Next day a girlfriend from work goes to Westfields and I gave her fully instructions -LOL-to go and search for the coat for me. I gave her the option to go to Mango or Zara and she came back empty handed not even knowing from which shop it was from for sure. I kind of decided to ask around in the hope that someone at work would have seen it and sometimes it pays off to work in a place full of girls with few shopholics mates!
I reckon it was my lucky day. I found out the coat was from Zara and luckily for me I live next door to one! I had to call my boyfriend and do the begging thing over the phone sometimes it takes a little convincing, you guys know, especially if is a football day...Finally, he was going there to have look for me and he did the best. I had never seen this coat in there before...It was the last one and just my size!!!!!!! It was in the storage room completely hidden from everyone's eyes!!! So, snap! My beloved goes and gets it for me!
I love the versatility of this coat open or closed with a big waist clinching belt, teamed with my pirate Vivienne Westwood boot.
It was a great winter buy. Bearing in mind I had never tried the coat before, just seen it on a magazine, it was love at first sight and I'm ever so happy.
So thanks my dear Santa !
I hope you all get what you want , there is nothing nicer than to enjoy a good present.
Coat:Zara, Belt: Primark, Cardigan: Benneton, Hat: Xmas prezzie, thanks Babs! , Jeans: River Island, Boots: Vivienne Westwood.
And we are almost there...

And once more it's again that time of the year where everyone says: "OMG I cant believe it has gone so quickly ..."
I enjoy Xmas and especially when it comes to putting the decorations and Xmas tree up!
At first, it always seems that is going to be a hell of a lot of work , I have a huge tree which I bought at Argos few years back, it is 7 ft long!!!

...The difference in price between a big one and a small one was nothing and I had always dreamed of having a big one. 'So, why not?', I thought at the store... It was all good until I had to get on a bus with it and carry it a few floors upstairs...
One of my favourite tree decorations is a Vivienne Westwood shoe which a I bought at the V&A exhibition in 2004.
This shoe alone inspired and gave me the go ahead to buy a huge tree...
Whilst in Brazil a few months back my mum gave me all the decorations from her tree... I was so happy to be reunited with some oldies which brought back so many nice memories. All my candy cane string and some bits that i had made myself when I was 6 or 7. Stuff that had to travel 5000 miles and took up (precious) room in my suitcase - but all well worth it.
All and all I love all the musical snowman and reindeers and it always makes my tree a mixture of bears and snowman, sweets and toys.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Crafty Weekend Project
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Arizona State’s newest Fashionista
Erin Browner shifts through her stuffed drawers and color coordinated closet looking for the perfect shirt to compliment her new skinny jeans and vintage earrings. Waking up with nothing but style on her mind, this young fashionista has made it a priority to study hard, pursue what she loves and look fabulous all the while.
“ I wanted to get away from home and create my own life where I could create my own path,” the freshman said about leaving her hometown of San Carlos, Calif. to study at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University.
“I wanted to go south for the heat, and when I saw ASU had a journalism program, I knew it was the right place for me I guess.”
After four years of setting trends throughout the halls of Carlmont High School, she decided that it was time to truly run with her passion. Browner dreams of one day being the fashion desk editor at a large magazine or the New York Times fashion and style section; however, she could also see herself working in public relations somewhere in fashion market.
“It’s a category where my opinion matters,” Erin said about the fashion industry,
“and I believe I can have a positive influence and make a difference when it comes to trends and popularity.”
News Director at the Blaze 1260 AM, ASU’s campus radio station, Bri Valdivia has been a mentor figure to Erin this semester. She said that although the news department doesn’t have anything fashion-based yet,
“There is an art behind it, and you have to be really intuitive to see that as a journalist. It would be fun to put something like that on air.”
Browner’s earliest icons date back to Audrey Hepburn, as the poster hanging in her room proves; but she admitted to having a new guilty pleasure.
“I’m obsessed with online bloggers,” she said, “I love reading about innovative clothing ideas and I think they’re real pioneers in the industry.”
Erin’s roommate, Chelsea Vmystir, said that she loves being roommates with a fashion goddess because she always has unique ideas about what to wear.
“She also has exclusive veto power if I put on something terrible,” Chelsea added.
Besides simply reading about and indulging in style every chance she gets, Erin also founded somewhat of a pioneer in the industry as well: ASU’s first fashion journalism club. As a current freshman, Browner took it upon herself to gather members, create a website and build the club from scratch, with hopes that the organization will inspire fashion lovers to join and not feel pressured to go into hard news.
“I started it just because I was interested in it, and its objectives so far are online blogging and brainstorming ideas. I even have a few professional speakers scheduled,” said Erin.
Between living and breathing shoes and bags Erin Browner said she considers her life made, but with her new found love for sundresses and flats, her mornings are filled with harder decisions every day.
Erin laughs, “At least if all else fails, it’s easy to pull off the simple jeans and t-shirt look in this state.”
Monday, November 17, 2008
Fashion Designer of the day: Tom Ford
Tom Ford was born in the State of Texas but had lived most of his childhood in Sante Fe, New Mexico. While growing up Ford moved to "The Big Apple" to attend New York University and enrolled in classes that had pertained to art history. Later, he altered his studies towards architecture and later enrolled in Parson's School of Design in New York City and Paris.
As the years continued to progress, so did Ford along with his job offer with Gucci in Milan, France as the company's women's wear designer. Not too long after, Ford stepped up further with his career by becoming Designer Director. Shortly after that, Ford was positioned as Creative Director for Gucci. His job entitled responsibility for all aspects of the company such as designing all the new lines of clothing, perfume, as well as the advertising of the company and the company's building design.
The following years at Gucci were nothing but success for Ford. He has been labeled one of the most successful men in the fashion industry. Gucci then opened another line of clothing, Yves Saint Laurent (YSL), which was established under the guidance of Ford's consistent success with Gucci. Ford then had the duty of working with the design team of YSL and helping them with defining a signature image of the company.
Ford finally removed himself from the Gucci to establish his own company, TOM FORD company which continues to thrive with his launch of his signature fragrance, the TOM FORD FOR MEN in 2007and partnership with Marcolin Group for optical frames/sunglasses, which have been helpful for his stability for his company for a fresh start. Ford then partnered with another group, Ermenegildo Zenga, for the production of men's luxurious ready to wear clothing, shoes, and accessories with the TOM FORD label.
Ford received numerous awards after his achievements. He earned awards with dedication and passion for his skills in fashion, business, and creativity. To me, Tom Ford is today's Fashion Designer of the day.
Until next time this is Eric Lomahaptewa, future well known Native American Fashion Designer.
Information about Tom Ford and clothing can be found at theOfficial Tom Ford homepage:
http://www. tomford. com/
Friday, November 14, 2008
Scottsdale Fashion Week
Although it has been wildly delayed, I am excited to let you in on the secret for this next year of fashion. Sadly I was not able to take any pictures at the Scottsdale Fashion Week, carrying around a camera would have been too cumbersome for all the running around I did—I didn’t have enough pockets! But fear not, pictures or no pictures, here is the key to the next purchases you make…
Baring bellies are out…as in way out. Cover them up with a huge waist belt or high right jeans. High-rise is back in style ladies! This is great news for people like me, who have a curvy body. It’s time to accent tiny wastes and voluptuous hips again. Feeling a little straight hipped? Head over to one of the Yogalaties classes at the YMCA. Yoga and Pilates strengthen the very inner muscles of your core and shape you up to make all the newest styles fit perfectly.
Working down, open-toed shoes are absolutely out-especially for the winter. Unless they are the new open-toed ankle boot or the overly strappy (and equally slimming for the ankle/foot region) stiletto pumps. When you’re spending the night out go for the high-heeled boots, or in the afternoon a small heel if none at all. Closed toed shoes will keep you about 10 degrees warmer than an open toed heel. So definitely opt for the closed toed boot if you’re going to wear a skimpy love-top under a light-weight jacket. Ps: the higher the boot, the longer and leaner your legs look and the shorter the boot the smaller your ankles appear.
Since we live in Arizona, don’t put those dark and warm-colored, short dresses into the back of the closet just yet. Pair it with a crop jacket, tights or leggings, and any boot (just make sure the legging or tight goes all the way into the boot-resist the 2 inches of bare leg!). Still think you’ll be a little chilly? Grab a scarf and wrap it around your neck. Scarves have about the same temperature effect as closed toed shoes, you’ll be surprised how warm it will keep you!
Colors are pretty much all over the board this year. The designers kept them bright and bold, but don’t get too out of hand. Keep the baby blues and soft pinks in the drawers until Spring and stick to as many warm colors as possible. Purple seems to be the nations favorite as of now. It’s eye-catching yet subtle, and it truly brightens every skin color. Jewelry is staying bright and flashy too, but designers are scaling down to one key piece instead of a lot of chunky ones. Tip: long necklaces are still loved and gold is back!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
It Doesn’t Have to be a Bad Hair Day

Here are two situations that seem like a bad hair day abyss, and my solutions to both.
The Classic Missed Alarm Clock
What?! Your alarm was supposed to go off twenty minutes ago! You jump out of bed, hop in the shower to rinse, brush your teeth, throw on a tee-shirt and jeans and then remember that hot guy in your first class and dread the thought of him seeing you this sloppy. You glance at the clock, seven minutes until class, no time to blow-dry. So you split your hair vertically in the back to create two sections. Twist and bobby pin the sections into two small cinnamon buns. Your towel-dried hair is still styled and looks pretty, instead of the usual messy bun or ponytail.
(See Chelsea Vmystir's example in photo.)
A Nightmare
You don’t know what caused you to toss and turn in bed last night, but your hair looks like a hot mess! You don’t have time to style or wash it before class, and you are sick of those messy buns. An easy solution to bad hair days is the revolutionary braid. French braids, side braids, or braids into a ponytail. Or, my personal favorite, French braids on each side of your head into a braided side ponytail. It’s a classy look and keeps your hair out of your face. Plus, you don’t need to bother with straightening or curling your hair, taking another shower or just throwing it up.
What are your bad hair problems? Let FJC know in a comment, and we will be more than happy to respond!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Laid Back and Lovely
Alyssa Snow, Freshman, Broadcast Journalism Major
Headband: Target
Sweater: American Eagle
Dress: Random surf shop in Hawaii
Flats: Nordy’s
Bracelets: homemade!
If you’re going to wear a cute outfit, you want to show it off all day. Alyssa Snow had her fashion cap on when she put this outfit together, “I didn’t have work today, so I wanted to wear a cute outfit to last the entire day.” With classes, study time, and movie night ahead of her, she picked out a bold striped spaghetti dress. With a sweater for air-conditioned classrooms and a thick headband, Alyssa created an updated 60’s vibe. She took some extra time to curl her hair, creating a flirty feel. The cherry on the fashionista cake here are her accessories; a headband and black flats to polish the look. “I decided to go with the flats instead of flip flops because I wanted the outfit to stand out in front of what I normally see worn to school.”
I totally sided with Alyssa’s point of view. A low-effort style is easy to accomplish by adding accessories and Alyssa’s look is a great example of this. So, next time you are walking out the door in a lively summer dress and your rainbows, reconsider switching out your sandals for some espadrilles or adding a ribbon to your ponytail.
FJC Blogging Begins!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
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